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Ulawun volcano, New Britain, Papua New Guinea: news & activity updates

Updated: 8 сен 2024 23:02 GMT-

Ulawun volcano (New Britain, Papua New Guinea) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 3 January-9 January 2024 (Continuing Activity)

Wed, 10 Jan 2024, 15:00
Rabaul Volcano Observatory (RVO) reported that activity at Ulawun was low during 6 December 2023-9 January 2024. During periods of good visibility white steam plumes of variable densities were seen rising from the summit crater. On 19 December visibility was poor, though during a brief clear period, observers noted brown-tinged steam plumes. Read all

Вулкан Ulawun: Консультативный центр по вулканическому пеплу: VA TO FL090 OBS AT 05/2100Z MOV NE OBS VA DTG: 05/2100Z

Fri, 5 Jan 2024, 21:30
Спутниковое изображение вулкана Ulawun  5 Jan 2024
Спутниковое изображение вулкана Ulawun 5 Jan 2024

Ulawun volcano (New Britain, Papua New Guinea) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 27 December-2 January 2024 (Continuing Activity)

Wed, 3 Jan 2024, 19:00
According to the Darwin VAAC a webcam image at Ulawun showed a pyroclastic flow descending a flank at 1230 on 31 December. An ash plume possibly rose to 2.7 km (9,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted NE based on similar previous plumes and weather models; weather clouds prevented satellite views. Read all
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Ulawun volcano
stratovolcano 2334 m / 7,657 ft
New Britain, Papua New Guinea, -5.05°S / 151.33°E
Current status: minor activity or eruption warning (3 out of 5) Ulawun volcano eruptions:
2010-2011 (ongoing), 2000-08, 1994, 1993, 1989, 1985, 1984-85, 1984, 1983-84, 1980, 1978, 1973, 1970, 1967, 1963, 1960-62, 1958, 1951?, 1941, 1937?, 1927, 1919, 1918, 1915, 1898, 1878, 1700
Typical eruption style
explosive, effusive lava dome growth
Satellite image of Ulawun volcano (c)Google
Satellite image of Ulawun volcano (c)Google
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