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Volcanoes in the Indian Ocean:

Barren Island | Mayotte Island | Piton de la Fournaise | Unnamed 11.75°N/80.75°E

Comoros (4 Vulkane)

Anjouan Island | Karthala | La Grille | Moheli Island

Madagascar (5 Vulkane)

Ambre-Bobaomby | Ankaizina Field | Ankaratra Field | Itasy Volcanic Field | Nosy-Be

Mauritius (2 Vulkane)

Mauritius | Rodriguez Island

Südlicher Indischer Ozean (11 Vulkane)

Amsterdam Island | Boomerang Seamount | Heard | Ile aux Cochons | Ile de l' Est | Ile de la Possession | Kerguelen Islands | Marion Island | McDonald Islands | Prince Edward Island | St. Paul
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Barren Island

(Stratovolcano 354 m / 1,161 ft.)
Eruption of Barren Island volcano in 1994
Eruption of Barren Island volcano in 1994
Barren Island, a possession of India in the Andaman Sea about 135 km NE of Port Blair in the Andaman Islands, is the only historically active volcano along the N-S-trending volcanic arc extending between Sumatra and Burma (Myanmar). The 354-m-high island is the emergent summit of... [mehr Infos]

Mayotte Island

(Shield volcano 660 m / 2,165 ft)
Mayotte, located in the Mozambique Channel between the northern tip of Madagascar and the eastern coast of Africa, consists two main volcanic islands, Grande Terre and Petite Terre, and roughly twenty islets within a barrier-reef lagoon complex.
A submarine eruption occurr... [mehr Infos]

Piton de la Fournaise

(Shield volcano 2631 m (8,632 ft))
Piton de la Fournaise erupting in 2010 (Photo: Sylvie and Philippe CHOUKROUN)
Piton de la Fournaise erupting in 2010 (Photo: Sylvie and Philippe CHOUKROUN)
Piton de la Fournaise, a typical basaltic shield volcano, located on the French island La Réunion, is one of the world's most active and productive volcanoes. It is in a phase of frequent but short-lived eruptions that start with lava fountains and produce large lava flows. Since... [mehr Infos]

Unnamed 11.75°N/80.75°E

(Submarine volcano? unknown summit elevation)
[mehr Infos]
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Map of the Indian Ocean, its tectonic plates and active volcanoes (Basemap created UNAVCO Voyager map tool feat. Face of the EarthTM)
Map of the Indian Ocean, its tectonic plates and active volcanoes (Basemap created UNAVCO Voyager map tool feat. Face of the EarthTM)
There are relatively few volcanoes in the Indian Ocean, most natably the hot-spot volcanoes of Piton de la Fournaise on La Réunion island and Karthala volcano on the Comores.

The first reported eruption of the region was from a written account of an eruption of Karthala volcano between the 10th and 12th century, the next recorded eruption was from the region's most active volcano, Piton de la Fournaise, on the island of Reunion, in 1640. Réunion has recorded more than 150 eruptions since then.

Réunion was claimed by France around 1662 and has been French virtually continuously since then. French settlers began to move in from 1715, and today, 600,000 people live on the 2,510 km2 island. La Réunion is one of France's overseas departments. Piton de la Fournaise volcano is being monitored by one of the world's leading observatories, established in 1980.

The Comoros islands were controlled by Moslem Sultans until occupied by the French in the latter half of the 19th century. After the early eruption mentioned above (1050 AD ± 150) no further reports are known until the early 19th century. The Comoros became a French overseas territory in 1947 and declared independence in 1975.

Source: adapted from GVP/Smithsonian Institution
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