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Vulkane in Italien (49)

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Äolische Inseln (7 Vulkane)

Alicudi | Filicudi | Lipari | Panarea | Salina | Stromboli | Vulcano
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Recommended website: Italy's Volcanoes
A jewel on the internet - the most comprehensive and informative website about Italy's volcanoes (and beyond), Dr. Boris Behcke's Italy's Volcanoes - www.italysvolcanoes.com
Volcanoes & Earthquakes - new app for Android
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= Plätze frei   = garantiert   = Wenig freie Plätze   = Ausgebucht

Neuigkeiten zum Vulkan:

Do, 27. Jun 2024, 09:55

Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy): activity in Voragine remains unchanged

The orange glow from the Voragine crater as seen on the evening of 23 June (image: Boris Behncke)
No significant change has occurred in the explosive activity within Etna's Voragine crater over the past few days. ... Read all
Mi, 26. Jun 2024, 14:00

Stromboli volcano () - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 19 June-25 June 2024 (New Activity / Unrest)

INGV reported that eruptive activity continued at Stromboli during 17-23 June. Webcam images showed Strombolian activity at three vents in Area N (two at N1 and one at N2), within the upper part of the Sciara del Fuoco, and from two vents at S2 in Area C-S (South-Central Crater) on the crater terrace. During the week low- to medium-intensity explosive activity at N1 and N2 ejected coarse material (bombs and lapilli) less than 150 m above the vents. ... Read all

Vulkane Italien

Karte der aktiven Vulkane Italiens
Karte der aktiven Vulkane Italiens
Ausbruch des Stromboli
Ausbruch des Stromboli
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