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Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano (Tonga) activity update: SO2 plume continues to travel over Indian Ocean

Mi, 19. Jan 2022, 16:33 | VON: MARTIN
SO2 plume visible in red circle (image: @andrewmiskelly/twitter)
SO2 plume visible in red circle (image: @andrewmiskelly/twitter)
The aerosol plume from the violent explosion continues to extend further over the Indian Ocean.
The latest Himawari-8 satellite visualization of SO2 concentrations in the atmosphere shows the SO2 eruption plume that has been advancing towards eastern Africa coming from Australia over the past few days.

SO2 emissions appear as green/yellow in colour (source: @andrewmiskelly/twitter)
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= Plätze frei   = garantiert   = Wenig freie Plätze   = Ausgebucht
Submarine volcano 149 m / 489 ft
Tonga, Tonga Islands, -20.57°S / -175.38°W
Aktueller Status: normal / ruhend (1 von 5) Ausbrüche des Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai:
2022, 2021, 2014, 2009, 1988
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